Gifts for a daughter on her wedding day

Gifts for a daughter on her wedding day
Gifts for a daughter on her wedding day

Rather than leave here parents behind her wedding day, the bride may need emotional support ( and sometimes financial ) during this unique event of a lifetime. One way to show your love to your girl , pride and excitement is to give a special gift. It can also be seen as an axis of bequest or a practical (but appreciated) that money towards the honeymoon or a down payment on a house. Depending on their needs , tastes and personality , you have several options.


If you have and you are willing to part with one or more memories , which can make a priceless gift for your daughter on her wedding day . Jewelry is particularly important , and it is even more important if the bride can wear during the ceremony. Bequeathed by relatives such as grandmothers and grandmothers articles are particularly fond memories. These can be brooches, pins, handkerchiefs, rings and son decorated scissors. Anything that can be a memory, because it was used by someone in love with the past, and we all appreciate a sentimental gift.


An album , or even a simple photo album, is an appropriate and thoughtful gift for your daughter . These take time to develop , so start working on a few months in advance. Follow the life of your child from babyhood to adulthood, ended when she met her fiance . Write down the steps of his life, and notes note how proud of him because you are of them. Include items such as a lock of baby hair , prizes, certificates, newsletters, children's drawings and copies of diplomas, what a unique gift!


Sometimes all a bride really needs is a little extra money. If the bride and groom pay for the wedding and honeymoon themselves , they may be short of funds directly after the wedding. If they are saving for a new house or a car, they will appreciate your assistance. You can give money in the form of cash, check , investment or a gift certificate, and our bride will enjoy that unique gift.

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